choose to help us by becoming an ICW financial member, or help us in other ways.
About our eNewsletters
'Our patch' is Te Aro and Wellington Central where over 17,000 people live, many in our over 125 apartment buildings.
That means there's always something going on - news, events, community activities, consultations and more.
If you sign up for our eNewsletter, you'll stay in the loop with what's happening in the inner-city.
About helping us
What we do is free, but because we're an Incorporated Society we can have financial members. Annual membership is only:
$30pa for residents, residential property owners, and nonprofit/community groups
$60pa for a body corporate, organisation, business, or commercial property owner.
As a voluntary organisation, becoming a financial member really does help us with our work. It also means you can vote on our priorities and direction at our AGM. If you don't want to be a financial member, but you do want to help us, how about these ideas:
become involved in a project or focus area
or perhaps help us with a donation
or join our committee to help us with our planning
Bank account info
Here are our bank account details to use to become a financial member or provide a donation.
Account name:
Wellington Inner-city Residents & Business Association
Bank account number:
Kiwibank 38-9009-0259490-00.
(Please put your first name and last name in the Particulars Code and Reference fields and the purpose of your payment (financial member or donation). And also let us know if you would like a receipt and we will email onethrough)
Ngā mihi!
From the ICW team What do we do with this information? The Privacy Act 2020 gives you the right to access and correct personal information held by us in our mailing list. Your information is held securely and will not be disclosed to any other person or organisation unless authorised by you. You may access your own personal information, or have it corrected or updated at any time by using this form, or via the Update Preferences link in the bottom of every email we send to you.